Anguo City Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Industrial Park · Qizhou Kanggu Lighting and Sound LED Screen Project

Anguo Modern Chinese Medicine Agricultural Park (Chinese Medicine Expo Park) is located in the northwest of Anguo City, 4 kilometers away from the exit of Qugang Expressway and 10.5 kilometers away from the exit of Shijin Expressway. The lead line of Qugang Expressway is directly accessible.

Bell Wisdom Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. provides it with the support of lighting and projection technology, uses modern technology and artistic means to create new cultural experience methods, selects one flower and one grass for the setting of the traditional Chinese medicine culture expo garden, and creates an ornamental effect of independent scenery, unified theme, colorful but integrated. Let everyone feel the charm of traditional Chinese medicine culture from different visual angles of feeling, viewing, traveling, living and appreciating.




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