Fireproof curtain wall made of angle steel

The fire curtain is a special door for safety and fire prevention. When a fire accident occurs in the theater or at the end of each performance, the fire curtain falls down, dividing the stage and the audience hall into two fire prevention areas, so as to stabilize the audience's mood, prevent chaos caused by fire and ensure timely evacuation. The fire curtain is lifted by a driven winling system with counterweight, and can be electric or free fall when descending.

Lifting step

Generally, it is set in blocks in the main stage area, and multiple lifting platforms can be lifted synchronously or separately. Through the action combination of different lifting platforms, the performance effect of ladder feeling and hierarchy in the performance can be realized. In addition, the lowering of the lifting platform can provide a path for the side stage platform or the rear stage car turntable to run to the main stage relocation scene, thus realizing the rapid transformation of different scenes in multi-act plays.

Fake table

False platform and (light crossing bridge) are commonly used equipment for installing stage lighting facilities in theaters. The main function of the false counter is to install the light lamps inside the counter and adjust the size of the performance counter to meet the performance needs of different types of drama. According to its installation form, the false platform can be divided into fixed type and movable type. The fixed type is often used in small theaters, and the movable type is mostly used in large and medium-sized theaters to adjust the size of the platform.

Elevating music pool

It is generally set between the lip of the stage and the audience hall and is mainly used for musical performances accompanied by bands. At the same time, through different stopping positions, various functions can be realized. When the music pool lifting platform is flush with the stage surface, it can be used as an extension of the front of the stage to shorten the intimacy between the actors and the audience. When parked on the floor of the audience hall, it can be used to increase the seats in the front area of the audience.

Lifting stage

Lifting platform is one of the most widely used equipment under the stage machinery. In professional opera houses, dance theaters and theater theaters, a large number of various types of lifting platforms are equipped. Even in some theaters dominated by turntables, drum-shaped turntables are also equipped with lifting platforms or lifting blocks of different specifications.

Rotating Stage

It is commonly used in drama theaters. It is usually set on the side of the main stage near the entrance. Various equipment such as lifting platform, lifting block, small rotating lifting platform can be set inside. It can meet the needs of drama performance and scenery relocation through the rotation of the platform body, and can also provide rich stage performances through the combination of equipment embedded in it.

Stage Curtain

The curtain is an indispensable equipment on the stage. It plays a role in decorating the stage and improving the performance effect. It mainly includes the stage curtain, the second curtain, the third curtain, the eaves curtain, the horizontal side curtain, the gauze curtain, the sky curtain, the sound-absorbing curtain, the cascade curtain, the side curtain, the safety fire curtain and other types.

Electric lifting boom

Set on the upper part of the main stage, adjustable speed, mainly used to enhance the front eaves curtain, monogramme curtain, gauze curtain, side eaves curtain, 2. three screens, black and white sky curtain, as well as a variety of performance settings, props and so on. The boom can be run alone, but also several simultaneous combination operation to participate in the performance, is the most frequently used equipment in the theater. The lighting boom is placed on the upper part of the main stage to hang lamps and lanterns to provide top light and backlight for stage performances. The rod body is provided with a wire take-up device.

Lifting off curtain

It is set at the stage entrance and has two functions of lifting and opening. In addition to electric opening, opening is also equipped with manual function. The length of the overlapping part in the middle of the opening guide rail is 2.0m, and both sides extend to enable the curtain to open to the outside of the platform of the stage building to ensure that the performance does not wear through.
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